Down syndrome Awareness Month 2014

Day 1- We delivered a care package to the ICU waiting area were we spent way to much time last year while Uncle Tim recovered from the flu

Day 2- We left a gift card for a Slurpee at the local high school

Day 3- We left Gatorade at a construction site

Day 4- We paid for flowers at the florist and left them for someone to pick up

Day 5- We left balls at the dog park (one of Nick's favorites)

Day 6- We left a new door mat on someones front porch

Day 7- We left a few dollars at the Target $ Spot

Day 8- We left some money on the gas pump to help someone out

Day 9- Nick took coloring books for the all the kids in the preschool class that he works at

Day 10- We left a Down syndrome Awareness tote bag in a grocery cart

Day 11- We drop off coats for the homeless shelter

Day 12- we left bubbles at the park

 Day 13- We dropped off to be delivered to someone at the hospital

Day 14- We dropped off backpacks with needed items to the local head start

 Day 14- We dropped lotion off at the nurse's station

 Day 16- We gave a random family a gift card for dinner

Day 17- We delivered a small refrigerator to United Way
Day 18- We dropped off a packaged of needed items to the Ronald McDonald House (one of our favorites!)

 Day 19- We dropped off needed items to the Humane Society

 Day 20- We left a generous tip for our server

 Day 21-We delivered dinner to a local family

 Day 22- Since Oct is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month we delivered handmade warmers to the cancer center

 Day 23- We purchased a "Bronco fan" some cheese bread :)

Day 24-We left money on the vending machine at our local college

Day 25- We paid for someone's flu shot

Day 26-We left cash at the ATM

Day 27- We left a gift card for someone at Noodles and Company

Day 28- We left stamps at the Post Office

Day 29-We delivered bagel to our local Police Department

Day 30-We left a grocery store gift card at the bus stop

Day 31-We gave Down Syndrome Calendars to all the students in our Special Education 101 Class at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs

1 comment:

  1. Great page! I am working with students with Down Syndrome and other disablities here at Procter and Gamble. I will use this information to encourage my students/employees to go above an beyond their call of duty. Thanks sooo much!
